
Hooked on DTrace, part 3

Mark Dalrymple

14 min read

Feb 20, 2013

Hooked on DTrace, part 3

As you’ve seen before, DTrace can give you a huge amount of visibility into the guts of your computer. You saw the syscall provider which lets you attach probes to system calls, those functions that let you take advantage of services from the kernel. You also saw the pid provider which lets you look inside individual processes and trace the function activity inside of there.

This time around is the objc provider, the one that started this whole ride. It lets you trace Objective-C methods inside of an individual process. A typical probe description for the objc provider looks like this:


Which says, for process id 2342, for objects of the NSImage class, whenever -dealloc is entered, evaluate some D code.

The parts of the probe description of the objc provider are:

  • probeprov : The provider – objc + the process ID

  • probemod : A class name, such as NSWindow, or class name and a category, like NSWindow(NSConstraintBasedLayout)

  • probefunc : A method name / selector

  • probename : entry, return, or an instruction offset, like the pid provider

The same process ID annoyances happen here like they do with the pid provider. You can provide an explicit process ID in the probe description, pass an argument and refer to it with $1, or you can use $target coupled with the -c option to tell dtrace to run or examine a program. Don’t forget you can dig into Cocoa application bundles to get to the crunchy executable inside. Also don’t forget that any parts of the probe description that are omitted act as wildcards, along with the globbing characters * (match zero or more) and ? (match one).

You saw how to use the pid provider to list all the function probe points available in a program. You can use the objc provider to do the the same thing, but with methods:

 # dtrace -l -n 'objc$target:::entry' -c /Applications/ > textedit-probes.txt

Feel free to poke around this file with your favorite editor. Search around for your favorite classes.

Like with Objective-C, class methods are prefixed with +, and instance methods prefixed with -. For example, a class method:

# dtrace -l -n 'objc$target:NSView:+initialize:entry' -c /Applications/
   ID   PROVIDER            MODULE                          FUNCTION NAME
24101   objc7385            NSView                       +initialize entry

as well as an instance method:

# dtrace -l -n 'objc$target:NSFontManager:-init:entry' -c /Applications/
   ID   PROVIDER            MODULE                          FUNCTION NAME
24101   objc7391     NSFontManager                             -init entry

Questions about Colons

There’s one hitch. How do you specify a method name that contains colons? What if you wanted to do stuff whenever someone called NSDicitonary -getObjects:andKeys:? What happens if you try this this command:

# dtrace -l -n 'objc$target:NSDictionary:-getObjects:andKeys::entry ...

The command will smack you down with an error:

dtrace: invalid probe specifier. neener neener.

DTrace uses colons. Objective-C uses colons. If you need to use them both, who wins? It’s DTrace’s playground, so it wins. You need to finesse your probe descriptions using wildcarding, by replacing the colons in the selector with question marks:

# dtrace -l -n 'objc$target:NSDictionary:-getObjects?andKeys?:entry' -c /Applications/
   ID   PROVIDER            MODULE                          FUNCTION NAME
185597   objc7462      NSDictionary              -getObjects:andKeys: entry

Yay! Finally!

Two postings and some change later, I can finally tell you about some practical applications (that is, fun stuff) you can do with DTrace in Objective-C land.

I had a problem a couple of weeks ago. My team inherited a large code base and we’re needing to fix bugs, improve performance, and turn around a new release on a short schedule. One of the bugs I discovered (and subsequently needed to fix) related to undo. You could type text in one text field and do all sorts of editing. If you then navigate to another text field, the Undo menu item was still enabled. Choosing Undo at this time would apply the changes from the first text field (insert characters at this location, remove characters in this range) to the second text one, corrupting the text in the process. Subsequent Undos wouldn’t work because everything’s messed up inside. The twist is that this is a Mac executable, but an iOS codebase, using the Chameleon compatibility library.

One option was to just turn off Undo support entirely. That would have been kind of mean, because it’s easy to accidentally do something stupid when editing text and immediately reach for command-Z to undo it. It’s a nice feature. The next thought was to grab the appropriate NSUndoManager and call -removeAllActions when the text field loses first responder status. That way the user could Undo while editing, and then we commit it when navigating away. It’s a good compromise between “no undo” and cooking up full-featured undo for the whole app.

Unfortunately, because of the compatibility library, it wasn’t obvious where to get the right undo manager. There’s one you can get from UIDocument, and another from UIResponder, but neither one seemed to be useful. Time to pull out the big guns. Just where are NSUndoManagers coming from, and who is using them? If I can get this info while typing in one of the text fields, I can figure out the right undo manager to use.

Whenever faced with “who creates this” or “who calls this”, and I have no idea where to begin looking in the code, I reach for DTrace. First off is to see who is creating them. This was the first trial:

# dtrace -n 'objc$target:NSUndoManager:-init:return' -c /path/to/app
  2   3721                      -init:entry
  3   3721                      -init:entry
  1   3721                      -init:entry
  3   3721                      -init:entry

That’s semi-useful. I’m catching the return from -[NSUndoManager init]. This is telling me that four undo managers are being created. I could find out the address of these objects by printing out -init’s return value:

# dtrace -n 'objc$target:NSUndoManager:-init:return { printf("%x", arg1); }' -c /path/to/app
  2   3721                      -init:entry 102871da0
  3   3721                      -init:entry 10114b4f0
  1   3721                      -init:entry 101362270
  3   3721                      -init:entry 10113e2c0

Recall when using the return name of the pid or objc provider, arg0 has the instruction offset (which is not terribly useful for day-to-day work), and arg1 has the return value (useful!). -init returns the address of the object it initialized, so I can see the actual addresses of the four undo managers running around the app. I could attach to the program with the debugger and inspect this memory, send messages to these objects, and unleash all kinds of ad-hoc mayhem.

Who are you? What do you want?

Next, I wanted to ask was “just who are creating these undo managers?” I want to see stack traces. The ustack() action comes to the rescue. This command told me who created them:

#dtrace -n 'objc$target:NSUndoManager:-init:return { printf("%x", arg1); ustack(20); }' -c /path/to/app

This gives the top 20 functions on the call stacks. I’ll reduce the clutter here with what I found:

  2   3721                      -init:entry 102871da0
              Foundation`-[NSUndoManager init]
              UIKit`-[UIWindow initWithFrame:]+0x9d
              AppOfAwesome`-[AppDelegate application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:]+0x275

A UIWindow is creating an undo manager

  3   3721                      -init:entry 10114b4f0
              Foundation`-[NSUndoManager init]
              CoreData`-[NSManagedObjectContext(_NSInternalAdditions) _initWithParentObjectStore:]+0x297
              CoreData`-[NSManagedObjectContext initWithConcurrencyType:]+0x8a
              AppOfAwesome`__35-[AppDelegate managedObjectContext]_block_invoke_0+0x7a
              AppOfAwesome`-[AppDelegate managedObjectContext]+0xa8

Core Data is making one for the MOC

  1   3721                      -init:entry 101362270
              Foundation`-[NSUndoManager init]
              UIKit`-[UIWindow initWithFrame:]+0x9d
              UIKit`-[UIInputController init]+0xd2
              UIKit`+[UIInputController sharedInputController]+0x44
              UIKit`-[UIResponder becomeFirstResponder]+0x13f
              UIKit`-[UITextView becomeFirstResponder]+0x5f
              UIKit`-[UITextLayer textViewBecomeFirstResponder:]+0x5f

Another window is being created due to the UITextView gaining focus.

  3   3721                      -init:entry 10113e2c0
              Foundation`-[NSUndoManager init]
              AppKit`-[NSWindow _getUndoManager:]+0x1d5
              AppKit`-[NSWindow undoManager]+0x17
              AppKit`-[NSResponder undoManager]+0x22
              AppKit`-[NSResponder undoManager]+0x22
              AppKit`-[NSResponder undoManager]+0x22
              AppKit`-[NSResponder undoManager]+0x22
              AppKit`-[NSTextView undoManager]+0x8d
              AppKit`-[NSTextView(NSSharing) shouldChangeTextInRanges:replacementStrings:]+0x136

And then Cocoa is making one for the underlying NSTextView. Which one of this is my undo manager? Ask DTrace again, this time logging everything that’s being done by NSUndoManager:

# sudo dtrace -n 'objc57447:NSUndoManager*::entry { printf("%x", arg0); ustack(20); }'

This catches the entry into any NSUndoManager call. It prints out the first argument, which for the entry probename is the receiver of the message. It also prints out the stack. The * wildcard in the class name catches any categories, such as NSUndoManager(NSPrivate). How did I know there were categories? Do the “-l -n -c” trick to dump all the things out to a file and then search around in it.

Running this command emitted a bunch of output. Then I focused a text field and started typing, and saw even more stuff:

  3   3777         -beginUndoGrouping:entry 10113e2c0
              Foundation`-[NSUndoManager beginUndoGrouping]
              Foundation`-[NSUndoManager _registerUndoObject:]+0x7d
              AppKit`-[NSTextViewSharedData coalesceInTextView:affectedRange:replacementRange:]+0x1ea

This looks promising. The text view’s data is coalescing stuff (I love the word “coalesce”), which makes sense when typing. There’s also some undo grouping going on, which also makes sense when typing is happening:

  3   3737      -_setGroupIdentifier::entry 10113e2c0
              Foundation`-[NSUndoManager _setGroupIdentifier:]
              AppKit`-[NSTextViewSharedData coalesceInTextView:affectedRange:replacementRange:]+0x22e

These dudes are using the undo manager living at 0x10113e2c0, which is the one that came from inside of Cocoa. Neither of the Chameleon undo managers, nor the Core Data undo manager are involved. Luckily I could get ahold of the NSWindow underneath everything, get its -undoManager, and clear all of its actions at the proper time. That fixed the problem.

No Scroll I

Another bug we had was with a scrolling container of editable values that didn’t reset its scroll position when used to create a new object in the application. You could be editing an existing object with lots of stuff, scroll to the bottom, and then create a new object. The Panel of Stuff would still be scrolled to the previous bottom, clipping all the entry fields at the top. It was pretty confusing.

Grepping and searching around for UIScrollView didn’t show anything useful. There was a view controller object hierarchy using a third party library involved too. Maybe it was buried in there? No luck searching through its code. Before going along the route of setting random breakpoints in the app, I put a DTrace probe on UIScrollView’s setContentOffset* along with a call to ustack() to see what changed it. Repro the bug, look at the output, and it turns out it was a UITableView (which itself is a UIScrollView subclass). Kind of a “duhhhh” momement, but luckily pretty quick to find. It was a piece of cake to reset the scroll position then.

Literally Speaking

Back in November, Adam Preble wrote about some weird behavior he was seeing with the new Objective-C literals. To track down the problem he used DTrace to see all of the messages being sent to a particular object.

Just using a probe like


would be pretty worthless – you get an incredible amount of spew. There is a lot of messaging activity happening inside of a Cocoa program. Adam came up with a clever way to limit the tracing to a particular object, and added a way to turn this tracing on and off from within the program. In essence, Adam’s test program told DTrace to start emitting the method trace at a well-defined point in the overall program’s execution, and then told DTrace to stop, because there would be no more interesting activity happening.

He added a function which would be the tracing toggle:

void observeObject (id objectToWatch) {

It’s just an empty function. When you want to start tracing the messages sent to an object, call it in your code:

observeObject (self.gronkulator);

When you want to stop tracing, pass nil:

observeObject (nil);

And then run the program under the auspices of Dtrace with this script (available at this gist)

/* run with
 * # dtrace -qs watch-array.d -c ./array
int64_t observedObject;
    printf ("observing object: %pn", arg0);
    observedObject = arg0;
/arg0 == observedObject/
    printf("%s %sn", probemod, probefunc);
    /* uncomment to print stack:
     * ustack();

So, how does this work? There’s a global variable, observedObject, that holds the address of the object that you want to trace messages to. It defaults to zero.

When the Objective-C program calls observeObject(), the first clause gets invoked. It uses the pid provider to attach some actions that get run when observeObject() is called. It snarfs the first (and only argument), and stashes it in the observedObject global. Its work is done.

The second clause says to do stuff on every single Objective-C message send. Every single one. Having the actions run on every message would be overkill, plus would probably overwhelm the DTrace machinery in the kernel and cause it to drop data. The /arg0 == observedObject/ predicate looks at arg0, the receiver of the message, and checks to see if it’s the same as the object that needs the tracing. If it is, print out the module (class) and function (method name) of the sent message. Otherwise do nothing.

Here’s a program:

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
// clang -g -fobjc-arc -framework Foundation -o array array.m
void observeObject (id objectToWatch) {
    // Just a stub to give DTrace something to hook in to.
int main (void) {
    @autoreleasepool {
        NSArray *thing1 = @[ @1, @2, @3, @4];
        observeObject (thing1);
        [thing1 enumerateObjectsUsingBlock: ^(id thing, NSUInteger index, BOOL *whoa) {
                NSLog (@"Saw %@", thing);
        observeObject (nil);
        NSLog (@"it's got %ld elements", thing1.count);
    return 0;
} // main

It makes an array, starts the observation, and then enumerates. The observation gets turned off, and the array is used again.

Here’s the output:

# dtrace -qs watch-array.d -c ./array
dtrace: script 'watch-array.d' matched 11413 probes
2013-02-20 19:36:26.645 array[7674:803] Saw 1
2013-02-20 19:36:26.648 array[7674:803] Saw 2
2013-02-20 19:36:26.649 array[7674:803] Saw 3
2013-02-20 19:36:26.649 array[7674:803] Saw 4
2013-02-20 19:36:26.650 array[7674:803] it's got 4 elements
dtrace: pid 7674 has exited
observing object: 7fdfeac14890
NSArray -enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:
NSArray -enumerateObjectsWithOptions:usingBlock:
__NSArrayI -count
__NSArrayI -count
__NSArrayI -countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count:
__NSArrayI -countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count:
observing object: 0

A lot of interesting stuff happening here. You can see the original enumerateObjectsUsingBlock call, which turns around and calls enumerateObjectsWithOptions Those are NSArray methods. Then there’s some __NSArrayI classes, most likely the actual implementation of Immutable arrays. It does some work, and then the observation stops.

The Nils are Alive

One interesting feature of Objective-C is that messages to nil are totally legal. They’re fundamentally no-ops so you don’t have to keep checking for nil all over your code. You can sometimes eliminate whole classes of if statements by using an object to do some work, and then put a nil object in its place to not do some work. It’d be kind of cool to see how often real code uses message sends to nil.

Objective-C messages are actually implemented by a C function called objc_msgSend. Its first argument is the receiver of the object. You can tell DTrace to look at that first argument and log a stack trace when it’s zero. The pid provider lets you do that:

/arg0 == 0/
    ustack (5);

Run it against TextEdit:

# dtrace -s nilsends.d -c /Applications/

And you’ll get a lot of stuff, like

  0  24327               objc_msgSend:entry
              Foundation`-[NSURL(NSURLPathUtilities) URLByAppendingPathComponent:]+0xdc
              AppKit`+[NSPersistentUIManager(NSCarbonMethods) copyPersistentCarbonWindowDictionariesForBundleID:]+0x74

Wouldn’t it be nice you could get a count of who sends messages to nil most often? Wouldn’t it be nice if we could aggregate some data and print it out when the tracing ends?

DTrace aggregates

Why yes you can. You can’t leave a DTrace discussion without talking about aggregates. An aggregates is a variable, similar to a DTrace associative array. They’re indexed by an arbitrary list of stuff, and the name is preceded by an at-sign. You use an aggregate like this:

@aggregateName[list, of, indexes] = function(expression);

function is something like count, min, max, avg, sum, and so on. Take a look at count:

@counts[probefunc] = count();

This will count the number of times a function is called. Here’s a one-liner to run against the array program from earlier that counts all the system calls made:

# dtrace -n 'syscall:::entry { @counts[probefunc] = count(); }' -c ./array

When the program ends it prints the a list of system calls and the number of times each one was called. It’s also handily sorted from smallest to largest:

  mmap                                                             17
  lseek                                                            25
  write_nocancel                                                   26
  getuid                                                           29
  workq_kernreturn                                                110
  kevent                                                          190
  select                                                          274

That’s a lot of system work for such a small program.

The other aggregate functions take arguments. You can use sum(expression) to accumulate the amount of data asked for in reads, system wide:

# dtrace -n 'syscall::read:entry { @read_amounts[execname] = sum(arg2); }'

Run that command and then interrupt it with control-C. It’ll print out the aggregate:

  configd                                                       33152
  Scrivener                                                    104393
  zip                                                          119508
  Mailplane                                                    294912
  Activity Monito                                              305703
  mdworker                                                    1095182
  Terminal                                                    1772088
  Safari                                                      2005992
  mds                                                         2658305
  WebProcess                                                  3367064
  fseventsd                                                   3675047

?Getting back to things Objective-C, you can see who is making the most message sends to nil. Here’s another script (nilsends-2.d):

/arg0 == 0/
    @stacks[ustack(5)] = count();
    trunc (@stacks, 20);

Three cool things: the END provider, whose full name is dtrace:::END, has its actions run when the script exits (there’s a corresponding BEGIN provider too). You can see the @stacks aggregate – it’s using the call stack as the index. This means that common stacks will have a higher count. When the script ends, the aggregate gets truncated to the highest 20 values, and then is automatically printed out. Here’s a run with TextEdit, letting it launch, and then immediately quitting.

# dtrace -s nilsends-2.d -c /Applications/

It has these stacks at the end of the output:?

              AppKit`-[NSView convertRect:toView:]+0x3e
              AppKit`-[NSWindow _viewIsInContentBorder:]+0x5f
              AppKit`-[NSCell(NSCellBackgroundStyleCompatibility) _externalContextSeemsLikelyToBeRaised]+0xf5
              AppKit`-[NSCell(NSCellBackgroundStyleCompatibility) _initialBackgroundStyleCompatibilityGuess]+0x48
              AppKit`+[NSTextFinder _setFindIndicatorNeedsUpdateForView:]+0x32
              AppKit`-[NSView _invalidateGStatesForTree]+0x38a
              AppKit`-[NSView _invalidateGStatesForTree]+0x2a2
              AppKit`-[NSMenuItem _titlePathForUserKeyEquivalents]+0x1b2
              AppKit`-[NSMenuItem _fetchFreshUserKeyEquivalentInfo]+0x66
              AppKit`-[NSMenuItem userKeyEquivalent]+0x4f
              AppKit`-[NSMenuItem _desiredKeyEquivalent]+0x3a
              AppKit`-[NSMenuItem _titlePathForUserKeyEquivalents]+0xed
              AppKit`-[NSMenuItem _fetchFreshUserKeyEquivalentInfo]+0x66
              AppKit`-[NSMenuItem userKeyEquivalent]+0x4f
              AppKit`-[NSMenuItem _desiredKeyEquivalent]+0x3a

So NSMenuItem is doing the most nil message sends (244 times from two different locations inside of _titlePathForUserKeyEqivalents), and then NSTextFinder.

Fun Things to Try

Take the listing of all the objc probes in TextEdit, and search for the term “hack”. See if you can find some cool sounding classes or methods, and then see if they’re documented.

Put probes on mouseDown / mouseUp, and use aggregates to see how many of those events happen in a typical run of your program.

You can index aggregates by more than one value. Adapt the system call counting script to also record the executable name. You’d index @counts by execname and probefunc.

Ask Uncle Google about printa(), which lets you print out DTrace aggregates in a prettier format. Also look around for the quantize() aggregate function, which will build a histogram of the values it sees, and output a glorious ASCII chart.

That’s all Folks

So you can see, there’s a lot of power contained in DTrace for investigating things in Objective-C land as there are looking programs with the pid provider or looking at system calls. Hopefully this has demystified enough of DTrace to let you pull it out of your toolbox and amaze your friends.

Mark Dalrymple

Author Big Nerd Ranch

MarkD is a long-time Unix and Mac developer, having worked at AOL, Google, and several start-ups over the years.  He’s the author of Advanced Mac OS X Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide, over 100 blog posts for Big Nerd Ranch, and an occasional speaker at conferences. Believing in the power of community, he’s a co-founder of CocoaHeads, an international Mac and iPhone meetup, and runs the Pittsburgh PA chapter. In his spare time, he plays orchestral and swing band music.

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